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Writer's pictureAldo Scuba

Scuba Gear TLC: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Equipment Dive-Ready

a diver in outer space

1. Rinse, Don’t Dunk: Freshwater’s Your Friend

After a day of scuba diving in Cancun, it’s tempting to throw your gear in a big tub and call it a day. But dunking your equipment without rinsing thoroughly can leave salt, sand, and debris stuck in all the little crevices. That’s not exactly the VIP treatment your gear deserves!

Pro tip: Always give your equipment a thorough rinse with fresh water before storing it. This is especially crucial for regulators and BCDs, which have delicate mechanisms. At Scuba Total Dive Shop, we emphasize proper post-dive care because we want your gear to last dive after dive.

2. Dry, But Don’t Fry: The Perfect Drying Method

You’d think leaving your wetsuit or BCD out in the hot Cancun sun is a quick fix for drying it. Wrong! Prolonged exposure to UV rays will weaken the fabric, fade colors, and make it more prone to cracking and tearing.

Best practice: Dry your gear in a shaded, well-ventilated area. Think of it like a cool-down session for your gear. When diving with us, we make sure your equipment dries in ideal conditions, keeping it ready for your next underwater adventure.

a boy diver taking care of his scuba gear

3. Zip It Up! Zipper Maintenance 101

Zippers are the unsung heroes of scuba gear, especially for wetsuits and bags. But they’re also prone to salt build-up, making them sticky and less functional over time.

The solution? Give your zippers a little love! After each dive, rinse them thoroughly and apply a special zipper lubricant,or silicon grease. This ensures they stay smooth and functional. It’s a quick fix that extends the life of your suit—and it’s something we swear by.

4. Mask & Snorkel TLC: Crystal-Clear Views Every Time

A foggy mask can turn an epic dive into a blurry mess. Maintaining your mask and snorkel is simple but essential. After your Cancun dive, make sure to:

  • Rinse with fresh water.

  • Dry gently to avoid scratches.

  • Store in a cool, dry place to prevent mold buildup.

For a deeper clean, occasionally use a mild detergent. We’ll even help you with special treatments like toothpaste scrubs to keep that lens crystal clear for every dive.

5. Dive Computers & Gauges: Don’t Let Salt Creep In

Your dive computer is like your scuba diving BFF—always there to keep you safe underwater. But saltwater can be its worst enemy. After your Cancun dive, make sure you:

  • Rinse the computer and gauges thoroughly.

  • Check for any signs of wear on O-rings and seals.

  • Store your computer in a safe, dry spot.

We help ensure that your dive computers are always in top shape, so they can keep you safe during every underwater adventure.

6. Regulators: The Heart of Your Dive

Your regulator is literally your lifeline underwater, so keeping it in top condition is crucial. Rinse it thoroughly, but be careful not to press the purge button while rinsing as this can force water into the first stage. For long-term care:

  • Inspect hoses for cracks or wear.

  • Get your regulator serviced by a professional annually, or as recommended.

At Scuba Total Dive Shop, we offer comprehensive servicing to ensure your regulator stays in perfect working order, keeping you breathing easy on every dive.

regulators for scuba diving in Cancun Mexico

7. BCD Care: Keep the Buoyancy, Skip the Bust

Your buoyancy control device (BCD) is your key to gliding effortlessly through the water. But it can easily be damaged by saltwater and poor maintenance. To keep your BCD in top shape, follow these steps:

  • Rinse thoroughly, inside and out.

  • Partially inflate the BCD while drying to ensure the inner bladder dries completely.

  • Check for leaks or any signs of wear.

We recommend regular professional checkups for your BCD, ensuring it’s ready for all your Cancun scuba adventures.

8. Tank Care: No Rust Allowed

Your scuba tank is where all the air magic happens. But tanks can develop rust and other issues if not properly maintained. Here’s how to keep your tank dive-ready:

  • Rinse the outside of the tank after every dive.

  • Store it upright, with a small amount of air left inside to prevent moisture buildup.

  • Get it visually inspected once a year and hydrostatically tested every five years.

We Do and offer tank inspections ( in the uncommon case that you bring your tank) and servicing so you can dive safely, knowing your air supply is top-notch.

9. Wetsuit Love: Keep it Comfy and Stretchy

A wetsuit isn’t just a piece of clothing—it’s your second skin. To ensure it remains flexible and warm:

  • Rinse thoroughly with freshwater after every dive in Cancun’s beautiful waters.

  • Avoid wringing or twisting the suit to dry it; hang it on a wide hanger instead.

  • Once in a while, give it a soak with wetsuit shampoo to keep it fresh and clean.

The wetsuits at Scuba Total Dive Shop get special treatment, and we recommend doing the same to keep your suit dive-ready for the long haul.

10. Storage Tips: Keep it Cool, Dry, and Ready for Action

Storing your scuba gear properly is just as important as cleaning it. Keep it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Avoid leaving gear in a cramped, damp bag for extended periods as this can lead to mold and mildew growth.

Bonus tip: If you’re storing gear long-term, make sure it’s clean, dry, and in a breathable bag or case. We recommend the same practices to ensure every piece of equipment is in top shape when ready for your next dive.

11. Know When to Say Goodbye

Even with the best care, scuba gear won’t last forever. Regular inspections will help you identify when something is past its prime. Look out for:

  • Cracked hoses or worn regulators.

  • Faded or thin wetsuits.

  • Persistent leaks in BCDs.

When it's time for new gear, our team can help you find the perfect replacements, ensuring you’re always diving with safe, high-quality equipment.

12. Keep It Serviced: Trust the Pros

While you can do a lot of the maintenance yourself, some jobs are best left to professionals. An annual service check is essential for critical gear like regulators, tanks, and BCDs.

We offer expert servicing for scubapro regs ,and we can help to keep your gear in perfect working condition. We know Cancun’s dive conditions inside and out, and we’ll ensure your equipment is tailored for those adventures.

Conclusion: Scuba gear TLC means that Your Gear Deserves the Best, Just Like You!

Maintaining your scuba gear is more than just cleaning it—it’s about ensuring your safety and maximizing your dive experiences. By following these steps, you can extend the life of your equipment and enjoy many more unforgettable dives in Cancun’s stunning underwater world.

Next time you’re gearing up for a dive, consider your equipment a long-term investment. With proper care and a little help from the pros at Dive Shop, you’ll always be ready to dive into your next adventure safely and comfortably. Happy diving!


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